ISO, is the International Organization for Standardization, own the registered trademarks for our short name, “ISO”.
ISO also own the registered trademarks for the ISO logo.
These trademarks for the ISO logo and short name are registered in over 100 countries. ISO’s trademarks are well-known trademarks.
Only ISO, ISO members, and ISO technical committees (TCs) are allowed to use the ISO logo and ISO short name in accordance with ISO Policies. ISO members and ISO TCs may contact us at logo@iso.org to find out how to best use our trademarks.
All others are generally not allowed to use ISO’s trademarks. See the “Use guidelines: ISO’s logo and short name” section on this page for more details.
For standards users, customers and consumers, ISO means quality, confidence, trust, safety and many other positive values. That is why we and our members care about how ISO’s trademarks are used and whether unauthorized use of the ISO trademarks could mislead, create false impressions, or cause confusion.
ISO and ISO members (located in many countries worldwide) will take appropriate action if we consider the misuse of ISO’s trademarks puts our reputation at risk.
ISO has successfully initiated many legal actions including national trademark actions, notice and take down claims (including under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)), and domain name abuse claims under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy with the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.
For all others except ISO members and ISO technical committees (TCs), here are some non-exhaustive guidelines to help you avoid misusing ISO’s trademarks. (ISO members and ISO TCs may use ISO’s trademarks according to ISO Policies).
See Certification for more details.